
Knowledge Is Power: Exploring Over 1,800 Calibre E-Book Servers.

TLDR; Shodan can be used to find Calibre servers. I wrote an nmap script for identification and metadata analysis 2.5 million titles are available on identified servers An average of 10k~ titles per server If you use the Calibre web server, verify the authentication and it's network connectivity. The Calibre developers don't have the best history of dealing with security issues. I love reading, and I especially like my e-readers. They allow you to carry and travel with hundreds of books.  Calibre is an open source e-book management application, and probably one of the most popular. It's capable of running a server to allow remote users to browse and download books. Knowing this and being a pentester by trade, I became quite curious if there was any notable presence of Calibre on the internet.   In it's default configuration, Calibre does not require any authentication to access the web interface. Using , we can search for the keyword Calibre in the
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